
Are you tired of never-ending struggles with homework and chores?


Are you tired of never-ending struggles with homework and chores?

Do you find yourself nagging or micromanaging your child or teen?

Are you in a constant cycle of frustration of trying to help but you don’t know how?

Stop the struggles today!

Turn Homework & Chores into Wins: Powerful Strategies for At-Home Success ⬇️

Turn Homework & Chores into Wins: Powerful Strategies for At-Home Success

This comprehensive guide was created to help parents, just like you, have a plan of action. You no longer need to feel like you are drowning under waves of stress. Grab hold of this lifeline and discover what strategies work best for your child/ teen.

In this free guide, you will:

  • Learn strategies to help your child start and finish homework and chores

  • Learn specific focus strategies they can start to implement today

  • Help your child/teen create an after school schedule

  • Set them up for success by using the “Best Homework Environment” Checklist

  • Create an “action plan” to put these strategies into place

  • Plus other helpful tools and templates - for free

If your child has ADHD or executive function (EF) struggles, this comprehensive guide is for you.

In case you don’t know what executive functions are…simply put, they are a set of skills that helps you get stuff done!

This guide is for you if your child struggles with EF skills such as:

  • Time management

  • Task initiation

  • Attention/Focus

  • Impulse control

  • Working memory

  • Planning/Prioritization

Due to executive function struggles, developing these skills will not come easily for your young child or teen - and even college student!

Studies show that kids with ADHD/EF struggles can be delayed 1-5 years more than their peers in executive function.

The good news is: your child or teen can learn skills and strategies to succeed. Parents, you can help support them along the way!

Hi! I’m Jessel!

I have 3 teens with ADHD who struggle with executive function skills (yes, that’s us in the picture!). I'm a Board Certified ADHD/EF Coach with a Master's in Counseling. The ironic thing is that I used to think ADHD wasn't real!

After years of overwhelm and struggle, my 3 kids were diagnosed separately with ADHD over the course of 8 years. I threw myself into all things ADHD and learned skills and strategies to help them succeed. Building my own ADHD toolkit was life-changing.

Today, I'm passionate about helping students, parents and adults with ADHD. I have also built an amazing team of coaches who love helping individuals with ADHD/EF challenges succeed.

I’d love to help you build your own ADHD toolkit today!

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